Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday Stroll...

This weekend Cagliari had an Open Monuments Day. It was nice to get out and walk around for a Sunday stroll, and expecially nice for me to practice taking pictures!

Saint Pancrazius Defense Tower (1305)

If you look hard on the right hand side
there's still a bit of writing from Mussolini's domain signed by him...

just a cool picture of a palm tree's shadow

View from the terrace ...

Enrico Entering one of the homes...

...inside the home's entrance way, how cool would it be to live there!
With a grand stairway and all leading up to your appartment! I would totaly pretend to be a princess every day walking down!

Piazza beneath the Cathedral

Old City headquarters
A view of a balcony at the Old City's headquarters
The Cathedral
Inside the Cathedral

narrow winding roads & tall appartment buildings

Small tunnel underneath an appartment
connecting two roads in the castel.
In the distance on the upper left hand side
you can see a box and flowers. It's a shrine to the Madonna (Mary)
They're practically on every conner!

Rising Sun is a huge yacht designed by the late Jon Bannenberg, and built by Germany's Lürssen, is currently co-owned by Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle Corporation, and David Geffen. The yacht is the 6th largest in the world with a length of almost 138 meters (453 ft). It reportedly cost over US$200 million to build.

A view of Cagliari's main road, Via Roma that looks onto the port

A view of the City Hall... where we will prob. be getting married
since it's against the law to have a civil ceremony on the beach....(I'll blog on that later)


The blogging Bakers said...

I love seeing all your scenic pictures. Maybe someday I will actually get to see them in person but until then it's nice looking at your pictures. You are a great photographer.

Heather said...

Oh... the places you visit! Beautiful!

Kelley said...

ditto Heather...what it would be like♥

Christina said...


PS: The invite is valid to everyone!