Today I received a phone call from the store we registered at. They said they had 14 packages to deliver ALREADY! We just started giving our invitations out on the 2nd, and gifts are starting to flow????? Ok, NOW I'M GETTING REEEEALLLY EXCITED! Big, medium and little green and gold boxes everywhere!!!! We are so thankful for the generousity! I'll open the packeges when Enrico get's back from work this evening and post pictures of that later!
First gifts!
Stinky of course had to check things out and
made sure to smell every box, it was hilarious to see him!
I impressed with all those presents already! How fun!!!
It is fun to open all of those gifts and start your home with new mom was joking that they need to have another wedding reception now that it's almost been 40 years...everything is pretty worn out!!:)
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